The Classroom Fund was created in 2011 as a special project of the El Paso Community Foundation. Since then, over $700,000 has been awarded to purchase materials and equipment to enhance learning opportunities and engage students in the El Paso and Las Cruces area.
Full-time educators in the El Paso and Las Cruces area are invited to apply for resource grants up to $1,000 in materials for the 2025-2026 school year. Applications are due by March 17, 2025.
Grants are available to all full-time, Pre-K through 12th grade educators, including teachers, librarians, guidance counselors, school nurses, and coaches. Eligible candidates must spend at least 75% of their time working directly with students. Requests must be for materials students will use or experience directly.
Grant recipients are required to follow up with a report on the use of materials through photographs, video or a written letter. Grant requests are reviewed by The Classroom Fund Review Committee and are approved based on merit and available funds.
All grantees will be notified by late April of 2025. The El Paso Community Foundation will host a reception in June to celebrate the awardees and distribute requested materials.
To learn more about eligibility requirements, please visit Please share with educators you may know, so they have the opportunity to apply!
To apply, go to Have further questions? Email