Transborder Art Fund

The Fund for Ethical Practices of Transborder Art came about on the occasion of Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s Border Tuner Sintonizador Fronterizo and responds to the need to give voice and visibility to transborder projects that emerge on the border, produced by border artists living in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua and El Paso, Texas.

  1. We understand transborder art to mean work that is not only bi-lingual but also bicultural (maybe even multi-cultural); which responds to the aesthetics and affective experiences on both sides of the border and that assumes meaningful commitments both in El Paso and Cd. Juarez.

  2. With the fund, we aim to support art and cultural projects that yield tangible, concrete and quantifiable benefits to a specific and clearly identified segment of the community on both sides of the border.

  3. We understand that the mere possibility of a transborder stance is the privilege of those who are able to cross the border at will, that is why we welcome proposals by artists and collectives that although do not have the means to locate a peer on the other side of the border are still interested in working within the transborder model that we propose. To that end, the selection committee will suggest artists and/or collectives akin to the proposals that require it to foster the presence and impact of the project on both sides of the border.

  4. We will prioritize artists and collectives representative of traditionally underrepresented communities in contemporary art, be it due to race, gender or socioeconomic conditions.

The inaugural committee members are Janette Terrazas Islas (independent artist), Kerry Doyle (Director of the Rubin Center for the Visual Arts, UTEP) & León De la Rosa Carrillo (Art Professor, UACJ), who will select the projects awarded through this fund and are committed to follow through on the original vision of it and to incorporate new, independent voices in future iterations.

The first round of funds were distributed in Fall of 2020. To learn more about the selected projects click here.

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